Sunday, July 22, 2007

Isaac's mother Susannh Miller part Seneca Indian.

This is a photo of the Original Miller Homestead near Mozer, Pendleton County, West Virginia. Owned originally by John Miller, it was willed by John Miller Jr. to his grandson Amos Miller in 1848. This land was purchased by John Miller about 1796. Several generations of Millers were born in this mountain home, including the current owner, Charles Lee "Bud" Miller. In the foreground of this photo is the Miller cemetery were most of the Millers going back nearly 200 years are buried here on the hillside. A home built in the early 1800's is still on the land and a home built around 1880 that Bud lives now. Bud told me he was the 4th generation Miller to be born in the home that he currently lives in. I visited here in 1996 and 1998. Definitely enjoyed getting back in touch with my hilly billy Roots!!

Susannah Hedrick, my great great great grandmother, and Isaac Miller's mother was born 1798 in Pendleton County, West Virginia. Her mother was part native american. Records are not kept on native american connections back this far, but there is mention of her mother's family, the Fishers having a connection with a daughter of Chief Bull of the Delawares.

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